[Qgis-community-team] switch to pdflatex is over

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Fri May 14 02:12:45 EDT 2010

Great work, Jean!

What about updating wiki pages describing translation and manual
building process?

P.S. Our commutiny will start manual translation to Russian soon. So
I'll have many questions :-)

2010/5/13 MORREALE Jean Roc <jr.morreale at enoreth.net>:
> Le 13/05/2010 21:07, MORREALE Jean Roc a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> The switch of the documentation trunk to pdflatex is over, there is
>> some quirks we'll fix asap but most of the manual is correct.
>> Main change is that there is no need to use makefiles anymore, if
>> you're on unix you just have to follow these steps :
>> $ pdflatex user_guide.tex which will ask for the biblio $ bibtex
>> user_guide.aux for the bibliography (which needs to be feed) $
>> pdflatex user_guide.tex to get the final pdf
>> The TeX distribution that has been used is TeXlive 2009 [1], it works
>> on Windows, MacOS X, linux and comes with a nice GUI called TeXwork.
>> This editor allow to work with the PDF and the source side by side
>> (click on the pdf to modify the corresponding tex part).
>> One improvement would be to make better screen capture, many can't be
>>  placed into the tex and have to be put at the end of the section
>> because of their size but they often have a lot a useless space. My
>> advice would be to resize your windows and uncheck useless toolbars
>> when taking a capture
>> With these changes any contributor can obtain an updated manual in
>> 2mn (well if you don't count the texlive's download).

Alexander Bruy

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