[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Developer Meeting, Lisbon,
(14)-15-16-17-(18) April 2011
Giovanni Manghi
giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 10:17:22 EST 2011
Hi all,
finally all the pieces of the next developer meeting are in place, so
you can just have a look at the updated page
where you will find all the necessary infos (Venue, Hostels/Hotels,
Let me know if you feel that something is missing.
To subscribe to the hackfest do as usual, placing your name and details
Then I guess it will be necessary to start fill the "topics" paragraph
As a "side" event, on the afternoon of the 14th of April we will
tentatively organize a "QGIS DAY" a informal meeting where we hope to
gather a few of the QGIS users of the Portuguese community, and have
presentations of the Portuguese Case Studies (plus this). Hopefully we
will have also at least one core QGIS developer to show the future
developments of QGIS. The venue for this event will be the same of the
Developer Meeting (see below) and will start after lunch at 02:30PM. The
program of this meeting will follow as soon as we will receive
confirmation from the invited speakers.
-- Vânia e Giovanni --
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