[Qgis-community-team] Translating qgis.org site
Tim Sutton
tim at linfiniti.com
Fri Feb 10 06:47:08 EST 2012
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Alexander Bruy
<alexander.bruy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Werner
> and thanks for clarification.
> 2012/2/9 Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com>:
>> Joomla is nice but I think we should go in a much slighter way to
>> improve speed and IMHO we definitely need a rework of usability on the
>> webpage (I am still sure that all important things should be written on
>> the first page - and ALL things are important ;) - be prepared for some
>> discussions)
>> I would say for QGIS 2.0 we really should think about a redesign (and
>> probably a slightly modernizes logo (still recognizable)).
>> My suggestion would be to start that on the upcoming HF in Lyon -
>> discuss about the structure (menu...) and technique (Django, Joomla) -
>> and probably should really ask someone for a neat design - clean and
>> clear ..
> Agreed with this. Also maybe we should continue with web infrastructure
> simplification and move all stuff into one engine (for example Django).
Yes we have been discussing moving the website to django. Though now I
am wondering if we shouldnt go even simpler and move it to sphinx. The
advantage being that we can manage translation and collaborative
editing just like any other documentation project. I have played
arould with sphinx templates a little and it is not hard to make it
look however we want. Since our content is all pretty static anyway,
it seems to make some sense to me.
>> Of course also multilingualism is a big part - although I think we
>> should divide between really necessary (from a user point of view)
>> information and developer information - not everything should/can be
>> translated (and I assume a developer being able to speak English).
> Right. I don't want to translate everything, this is no necessary IMO.
> Only information for users should be translated. In other hand I think
> that non-english developers prefer to read docs in native language.
> That's why I translated CookBook and want to translate Coding and
> Compilation Guide.
Agreed (great work by the way). Once again, sphinx based web site
should make this quite easy for you since you already have a work
>> Nevertheless - I am always willing to explain the current way of
>> translation to you - but on your side I would postpone translation in
>> favor of pushing towards a redesign ;)
> Well, if redesing is planned I also prefer to wait.
> Thanks
> --
> Alexander Bruy
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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
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