[Qgis-community-team] Help requested to produce Dutch user manual based on 1.7.0

Diethard Jansen diethard.jansen at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 16:42:46 EST 2012


I started translating the English (US) 1.7.0 user manual to Dutch using
I could use some help there, so please if you are interested, let me know.

I just started right at the beginning and I am at page 37, so there is
still a long way to go, but I feel confident we will get there.
First I would like to start a new Dutch branch underneath 1.7.0 in the SVN
repository to add the translated and untranslated files.
It seems I still need some autorisation access to commit my locally created
branch named dutch into the tree.

Can someone provide?

I have created a copy of english_us 1.7.0 userguide first and removed all
.svn files in new branch to prevent english translation merging into the
dutch branch by accident. Although this could be helpfull in the future, I
prefer to start by adding them all detached.
Is this the "advised" way or not..

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