[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Documentation in ReadTheDocs

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Tue May 15 12:26:21 EDT 2012


On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Paolo Corti <pcorti at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys
> As suggested by Tim, I am trying to import the documentation in
> ReadTheDocs.
> Even if it does still not support internationalization, it would be
> still good to keep a copy there updated after each commit.
> But looks to me that ReadTheDocs can't handle subrepositories, so when
> it is building html it fails as it can't find the
> linfiniti-sphinx-theme.
> Or should we still try to make the build successfully in RTD, this
> meaning that we must fork the theme and copy it in the project?
> I would personally generate the build in the QGIS server (this way
> also the translated docs would be available), can I safely proceed
> with this?
Yes I had the same issue with another project - I suggest to just make a
full copy of the theme into the repo and remove the submodule - its self
contained enough that we can occassionally just update it.



> thanks
> p
> --
> Paolo Corti
> Geospatial software developer
> web: http://www.paolocorti.net
> twitter: @capooti
> skype: capooti
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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
 * QGIS programming services
 * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
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