[Qgis-community-team] docs structure - translation and sphinx

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Sat Oct 13 12:37:07 PDT 2012

Hi Docsters,

I want to start a little discussion about the document structure we 
currently use.

We have one root, in which we have current tree main documents: manual, 
gis-intro and documentation-guidelines

We then build a html tree and three pdf from them.

BUT the main reason to use rst/sphinx combi was to facilitate easier 
translation. But in current structure just ONE pot file is created for 
every 'main document'. This means it is not easy (impossible?) to for 
example to divide the translation of the manual in chunks like: you do 
the vector parts, you grass and you the raster chapter. Because there is 
just one po file to translate for the whole manual.
So I think we should try to create one po(t) per manual chapter.

So question:
Does someone know of a way to create more po(t) files for the manual 
(from "http://sphinx.pocoo.org/builders.html": This (gettext) builder 
produces gettext-style message catalogs. Each *top-level* file or 
*subdirectory* grows a single .pot catalog template)

Or otherwise I propose one of following:

- either a flatter structure with maybe a prefix in the source directory 
to group directories (like: manual_introduction, 
manual_working_with_vector, manual_***, another_doc_chapter1, 
another_doc_chapter2 etc etc)

- or just more source directories, one for every document (and if I 
understand correct, it should still be possible to link from one to 
another??). Is there some sphinx guru who can confirm this?

Somebody some input for this? Or can somebody either confirm of falsify 
the above conclusions/ideas


Richard Duivenvoorde

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