[Qgis-community-team] popup texts that are presented with toolbar icons

Diethard Jansen diethard.jansen at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 00:16:15 PDT 2012

Hi Larissa,

For latex2rst conversion I look at pdf user manual 1.7.0 first, all
popup texts are printed in yellow boxes.
A popup text only appears whey you hoover a bit with your mouse
pointer above a button item, which is the case for most toolbar
buttons. In menu items (like the one questioned) the text is already
there, in fact I believe the icons where added later.

In the user manual in most places where a menu item has an icon, the
icon itself is not included in the manual text. Maybe we could choose
for the one or the other, include icons for menu items or leave them
out. I don't mind there is a bit of variation in this respect.

2012/9/7 Larissa Junek <junek at gbd-consult.de>:
> Hello Diethard,
> whats the rule for using popup texts?
> I looked at featues_at_a_glance.rst and don't find out why you didn't
> define e.g. in Projects: Output
> *Menu option |mActionNewComposer| :sup:`New Print Composer` ?
> In this case I thought it maybe right to use the ":sup:" as the toolbar
> item has a popup text...
> Cheers,
> Larissa

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