[Qgis-community-team] refresh of the tx documentation

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Mon Dec 30 10:13:23 PST 2013

On 30-12-13 15:04, matteo wrote:
> Hi guys,
> in the last month(s) me and other Italian colleagues have made some
> translations of the manual. But I noticed that the translations have not
> been updated in the website resource: it seems that there has been a
> "string freeze" in the middle of November.
> Am I missing something?
> How often is scheduled the refresh of the docs?
> I'm just asking that because we have found some new translators and if
> they can see their work it would be a big encouragement!

Hi Matteo,

translations are (or at least should be) incorporated in every new build
of the 'standalone' docs build for 2.0
And after that in the website (www.qgis.org/docs):

The second one is last build on 26th of dec, the first one is from 15th
of dec. You can see this on (and only on) the frontpage footer.
>From which do you conclude there is a string freeze from the middle of

The process:
- with every build of the standalone docs all translation from transifex
are pulled in live from transifex
- IF the translations in the source tree then are pushed to github
(which I do periodically), last time 15th of dec:
- then they will also appear in the website build (which pulls the doc
sources from github, including the po files for the docs). The
translations for the website (site-part) are pulled from transifex.

last time I pushed the docs translations to github was the 15th of december

While I agree that it would be nice if a translation would show up the
next day live on the sites, building, pushing etc is still done by hand.
If scripted (in future) maybe this will be shorter.

BUT if you think there is something other wrong, please let me know.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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