[Qgis-community-team] solved rst documents that could not be translated

Diethard Jansen diethard.jansen at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 08:09:15 PST 2013


It took me some hours to figure out why the document supported_data.rst of
working_with_vector could not be translated to Dutch.
I found out that if a rst document has an rst footnote [#]_, the document
can not be translated using a .po file at all.
It was necessary to change the supported_data.rst source file in the git
branch "manual_en_v1.8".

Before merging this change and run the script pre_translate.sh make sure
you have returned your supported_data.po file first so it is merged
properly without losing your translations.

I also found in the same document that the use inline literal blocks give
problems, in the log of the post_translate.sh you see something like:
WARNING: Literal block expected; none found.

in rst this literal block was defined as follows

a literal block:

gettext transforms this to following text to translate:
a literal block: ::

adding a space between text and rst-statement :: announcing a literal block
solved this issue..

a literal block:


the text "a literal block" can now be translated..

Maybe we should search all other rst documents with inline literal block
statements and footnotes and change the documents so they can be translated!

[#] a foot note that makes translation of rst document not possible
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