[Qgis-community-team] Looking for help to update the englisch manual

Otto Dassau dassau at gbd-consult.de
Sun Jun 16 00:50:52 PDT 2013

Hi Matteo,

Am Fri, 14 Jun 2013 20:21:19 +0200
schrieb matteo <matteo.ghetta at gmail.com>:

> Hi Otto,
> I think it would be useful to add an example on how to create a link 
> between shapefile and photos with the action command.
> I spent a lot of time to configure them today.
> What do you think about it?
> p.s. if you think it should be done, how do I have to add it? Just go on 
> the master branch, then write the example on the right file and send you 
> a pull request?

yes, that would be the way. Would be nice to have more examples in the


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