[Qgis-community-team] layout fixes and new frontpage

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Fri May 24 14:10:26 PDT 2013

Hi all,

short story:

I've created a newfrontpage branch in my personal fork:


There is a demo build to see here:


and a frontpage translation of that here:


Is it ok enough to replace current frontpage?

/end of short story

longer version:

I do realize myself that it is not 'spiffy', I'm not a designer...

But my main goals for this were:

- stay as close to bootstrap as possible (so a real bootstrapper should 
be able to restyle it) I rolled back some changes I did on the original 
bootstrap styling for this, these came not out very well anyway.

- keep sources in rst files and layout in sphinx layout files, to not 
change our current tool chain (had some troubles do find out you cannot 
use 'html_additional_pages' for that 
https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/sphinx-dev/IH8btG555Ig )

- to force the rst generated html into bootstrap jquery/javascript is 
used (see 

- keep stuff 100% responsive (one source readable on phones, tablets etc 

Other points to know:

- I think I found a css 'hack' which hopefully fixes the annoying fact 
that clicking a anchor link will NOT show that anchor because it in 
beneath the menu (see qgis.css). There are still some tweaks needed. The 
clue is that is playing with some negative margins, so sometimes margins 
show up were we do not want them...

- The frontpage is generated from index.rst, in two blocks: the sections 
for the 'carousel' in top, and the sections for the 'marketing' block 
below that.
The structure for all these blocks are very strict. We really need to 
add/change some texts, but please be carefull with the structure!

- we can reuse this frontpage layout for other 'frontpages'. The idea 
for the 'community' and 'development' menu items was to have 
landingpages for those (with pointers to all subsequent internal or 
external parts)

Feel free to share your thought about it.

Myself I think the frontpage is a little dull, but very functional as 
is. We must put some better stuff in the carousel en update some of the 
blocks of info (or add more), of add some images?

Maybe also add a block in top or between carousel and infoblock to give 
every language some space to tell something specific for your locale.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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