[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Training Manual 2.0

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 07:14:52 PST 2013

Sounds good to me. Multiple tags are a good idea, because one might
work in a chapter doing different tasks: first, reviewing an updating
the text, then working on the screenshots, then extending  the

With that and commenting on github issue, we should be able to
coordinate the work.

Let me know if you want me to start filling issues already


2013/11/27 George Irwin <george at linfiniti.com>:
> Victor,
> I have created labels in the QGIS-Documentation issue tracker for organising
> the issues. Unfortunately, the labels on each issue might pile up quite
> quickly, but I can’t see a more efficient way of doing it within the
> confines of the GitHub issue tracker.
> There’s a Training Manual label, a label for each chapter, then a label for
> Text, Screenshots, Translation and Sample Data. Also an In Progress label.
> This might seem like a lot (it is), but this will mean that any contributor
> can quickly establish whether the Text for Ch 1 is already being worked
> on/assigned. Or whether the screenshots for Ch 8 are already done.
> I think we should keep the issues at as high a level as possible and use the
> comments and to define/discuss/notify of subtasks (e.g. typos in Ch 2).  We
> can use GitHub’s - [ ] markdown to add subtasks to the issue’s description
> as subtasks are identified in the comments.
> I hope that makes sense? Please do suggest alternatives if not.
> George
> George Irwin
> Project and Client Manager
> Linfiniti Consulting
> http://www.linfiniti.com
> +27 (0)76 013 6355
> Skype: georgeirwin22
> On 26 Nov 2013, at 09:46 , Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:
> George
> Do you plan on using anythin for organizing the work and assigning
> tasks? Like, let's says that I want to start now to rewrite chapter 1
> or re-do screenshots in chapter 2. How do I let others know? That
> would be good to avoid repeated work and, specially, to know what is
> left an what is already done.
> I think we could use git hub issues in the QGIS-doc repo. I can
> volunteer to create a list of issues with all the (many) things to do.
> Cheers
> 2013/11/26 George Irwin <george at linfiniti.com>:
> Good morning Paolo,
> Thanks for the suggestion - it seems like a very good one to me (and Tim).
> That way we can take advantage of the Sphinx setup/theme from the word go
> (quite apart from the other advantages). If no-one has any objections, I
> think that’s what we should do?
> I’ll plan to work on a branch of QGIS-Documentation - I see there is already
> a training_manual branch last authored a year ago by Alex Bruy. Alex - do
> you still have something in mind for that branch or can we replace/update?
> George
> On 25 Nov 2013, at 17:11 , Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Il 25/11/2013 11:19, George Irwin ha scritto:
> My first task is to start work on porting the QGIS Training Manual to QGIS
> 2.0.
> As an aside, I plan to work in a branch of the
> repository on github, with nightly builds pushed to an accessible server -
> advice
> on this front also welcome!
> IMHO better to put it in
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation
> or some branch of it, from the beginning.
> better integrating it earlier than later (which often translates into
> "never").
> I'll be glad of collaborating, thiugh my time is severely limited.
> all the best.
> - --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> Corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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