[Qgis-community-team] manual in pdf

Ko Nagase nagase at georepublic.co.jp
Sun Oct 13 11:09:27 PDT 2013

Hi Richard,

After installing "texlive-lang-cyrillic" on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ja,
I also confirmed that 'normal' workflow generate valid russian PDF.

I hope this will help.

> Alex

Sorry for duplicate mail...


2013/10/14 Alexander Bruy <alexander.bruy at gmail.com>:
> 2013/10/13 Richard Duivenvoorde <richard at duif.net>:
>> Yep, I saw that, but I was hoping it had something todo with certain
>> character sets not available on my laptop...
> As I can see, all characters are ok, but as I said before it is difficult
> to read.
>> Ok, that problem I had on the QGIS server also. Apparently I have
>> another shell or find on my laptop. Instead of
>>         find -name "*.png" -exec ebb -x {} \; \
>> You need:
>>         find -name "*.png" -exec ebb -x {} +; \
>> (this creates bbx files for every png in that dir).
>> Please try again.
> Thanks. I fixed Makefile as you suggested, now it failed with next
> messages
> mkdir -p output/pdf/ru
> # need to build 3x to have proper toc and index
> # currently texi2pdf has bad exit status. Please ignore errors!!
> # prepending the texi2pdf command with - keeps make going instead of quitting
> # japanese and russion have problems, when build with texi2pdf
> # as alternative we can use platex
> # on Debian available in package 'texlive-lang-cjk'
> This is e-pTeX, Version 3.1415926-p3.3-110825-2.4 (utf8.euc) (TeX Live
> 2012TeX Live 2012/Slackware (rworkman))
>  restricted \write18 enabled.
> entering extended mode
> ! Unable to read an entire line---bufsize=200000.
> Please increase buf_size in texmf.cnf.
> This is e-pTeX, Version 3.1415926-p3.3-110825-2.4 (utf8.euc) (TeX Live
> 2012TeX Live 2012/Slackware (rworkman))
>  restricted \write18 enabled.
> entering extended mode
> ! Unable to read an entire line---bufsize=200000.
> Please increase buf_size in texmf.cnf.
> QGISUserGuide.dvi -> QGISUserGuide.pdf
> DVI ID = 98
> ** ERROR ** Something is wrong. Are you sure this is a DVI file?
> Output file removed.
> make: [pdf] Error 1 (ignored)
> mv output/latex/ru/QGISUserGuide.pdf output/pdf/ru/QGIS-testing-UserGuide.pdf
> mv: cannot stat 'output/latex/ru/QGISUserGuide.pdf': No such file or directory
> make: *** [pdf] Error 1
>> You can also just run the commands yourself (after the sphinx-build -b
>> latex step):
>> cd output/latex/ru
>> find -name "*.png" -exec ebb -x {} +
>> platex -interaction=batchmode QGISUserGuide.tex
>> platex -interaction=batchmode QGISUserGuide.tex
>> platex -interaction=batchmode QGISUserGuide.tex
> Hmm, in Makefile I see only two calls for platex not three. Is this bug?
> Well, tried to run above commands in manual mode. First command
> (find) finished without any errors and produced no messages in
> console. When I tried to run first platex command I get this:
> $ platex -interaction=batchmode QGISUserGuide.tex
> This is e-pTeX, Version 3.1415926-p3.3-110825-2.4 (utf8.euc) (TeX Live
> 2012TeX Live 2012/Slackware (rworkman))
>  restricted \write18 enabled.
> entering extended mode
> ! Unable to read an entire line---bufsize=200000.
> Please increase buf_size in texmf.cnf.
> Seems errors related to fact that japan and cyrillic character has
> size greater than one byte and default buffer is too short for them.
> So I tried to increase buffer. Using locate command I found 3
> different texmf.cnf files in my directory tree. Don't know which
> should be edited. But as I understand, buffer size can be set also
> via environment variable. This command works for me
>  buf_size=8000000 platex -interaction=batchmode QGISUserGuide.tex
> After running it three times and then using dvipdfmx command from
> Makefile I was able to get PDF. But it looks ugly as generated by
> you: very small images, monospace font and big intervals between
> letters. But at least it builds.
> Hope this trick with buf_size variable will be useful.
>> You can also try the 'normal' pdf workflow:
>> cd output/latex/ru
>> texi2pdf --quiet QGISUserGuide.tex
>> texi2pdf --quiet QGISUserGuide.tex
>> texi2pdf --quiet QGISUserGuide.tex
> Also tried 'normal' workflow. It works for me even without any additional
> tuning. Only one minor issue ― each time texi2pdf runs it print
> egrep: Invalid range end
> but I also have this when building manual for version 1.8, so I think it is
> not important.
> 'normal' workflow gives me nice PDF ― images have correct size, fonts
> looks good. I uploaded generated file for comparison here
> http://wikisend.com/download/485684/QGIS-testing-UserGuide-ru.pdf
>> If you are able to run one of above ways, there is something you have on
>> you laptop which I do not have ...
> I'll be happy to provide any info you need, just tell me.
> Hope this helps a bit
> Alex
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Ko Nagase (長瀬 興)
Georepublic Japan
mail: nagase at georepublic.co.jp
web: http://georepublic.co.jp

Ko Nagase (長瀬 興)
Georepublic Japan
mail: nagase at georepublic.co.jp
web: http://georepublic.co.jp

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