[Qgis-community-team] manual in pdf

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue Oct 15 11:45:10 PDT 2013

On 15-10-13 19:07, Ko Nagase wrote:

> I confirmed that Japanese PDF can be built on Debian Squeeze by
> installing some packages and editing Makefile.
> [Additional packages for Debian Squeeze]
> =====
> cmap-adobe-japan1
> cmap-adobe-japan2
> latex-cjk-all
> nkf
> okumura-clsfiles
> ptex-base
> ptex-bin
> texlive-fonts-extra
> =====
> [Makefile modification part]
> =====
> :
> @-if [ $(LANG) = "ja" ]; then \
>         cd $(BUILDDIR)/latex/$(LANG); \
>         nkf -W -e --overwrite QGISUserGuide.tex; \
>         platex -interaction=batchmode -kanji=euc -shell-escape
> QGISUserGuide.tex; \
>         platex -interaction=batchmode -kanji=euc -shell-escape
> QGISUserGuide.tex; \
>         platex -interaction=batchmode -kanji=euc -shell-escape
> QGISUserGuide.tex; \
>         dvipdfmx QGISUserGuide.dvi; \
> else \
> :
> =====
> Result PDF files are here.
> Debian Squeeze:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823511/QGIS-testing-UserGuide-ja-squeeze.pdf
> Debian Wheezy: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823511/QGIS-testing-UserGuide-ja-wheezy.pdf

Hi Ko,

thanks! You are right: We are on Debian squeeze on the server.

I added the additional packages you mention above (actually after I
added most of the packages of Takayuki :-) ).
And added your Makefile changes, and now.... I have a pdf which look
japanese to me \o/


can you please check? I see some differences with your version, but
maybe that is because I pulled the new translations from transifex.

Thanks & Regards,


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