[Qgis-community-team] help needed: frontpage sponsering logo's

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sun Sep 8 01:56:00 PDT 2013


Am 07.09.2013, 14:07 Uhr, schrieb Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com>:
> To be honest I can remember a passus that says that even a gold sponsor
> will be at the front page .. probably paolo can tell more about that and
> the definitive status.

I thought so too ...

> I'd place the Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal there with its
> specific link to the dedicated sponsors page where every sponsor is  
> listed..

Mhm, I don't like the look. Even placing the sponsor logos there would  
look better I think. The medals need an overhaul anyway. The way we use  
the medals makes little sense anyway. When I created them, I thought they  
would be a way for the sponsors to show off that they support QGIS on  
their OWN website. We then also used them on our old website but I would  
rather get rid of them with the redesign. I'm sure we can find a better  
way to structure the sponsors page.

Best wishes,

> But thats only my suggestion ..
> (Platinum will get it's own logo in rotating banner anyway)
> kind regards
> Werner
>> Hi List,
>> in the design of we website, we have this two logo/images in the footer
>> for the sponsors:
>> http://new.qgis.org/html/en/index.html (bottom)
>> Can somebody please take the lead and create those two images so it just
>> looks good on the frontpage? And sent them to me?
>> From the old sponsoring page:
>> http://docs.qgis.org/2.0/html/en/website/sponsorship.html
>> it is not clear to me what images on the frontpages should be there.
>> But I would say (plz correct me (and provide them :-) ) if I'm wrong):
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