[Qgis-community-team] sextante documentation

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 12:25:43 PDT 2013


Thanks for writing these instructions down, Matteo!


2013/9/13 matteo <matteo.ghetta at gmail.com>:
> Hi guys,
> we are now at the hackfest and we are starting to write the documentation of
> all the processing (sextante) algorithms. If you want to contribute the
> method is quite simple (you have to be just a little bit practical with
> git):
> - fork the repository of Victor (https://github.com/volaya/SEXTANTE-Help)
> - the repository is divided into folders of the algorithms providers (qgis,
> grass, saga....)
> - choose a help file you want to write: you can either clone the repository
> on your computer and use a text editor or you can directly use the text
> editor of github (maybe the simpler method)
> - follow the 2 example files written by Victor
> (https://github.com/volaya/SEXTANTE-Help/blob/master/saga/gridcalculator.rst
> and
> https://github.com/volaya/SEXTANTE-Help/blob/master/qgis/fieldcalculator.rst
> ) and the short how-to
> (https://github.com/volaya/SEXTANTE-Help/blob/master/instructions.txt)
> - the files are restructuredtext (.rst), so be aware to the syntax if you
> want to add some pictures or link or other stuff (just compare the examples
> of Victor and those of the how-to). If you have some question, just ask!
> - once done: commit the file, push it and make a pull request
> That's it!
> If you are not familiar with git (the first impact could be devastating),
> just ask and MAYBE I can help you. Some suggestions here
> https://github.com/ghtmtt/QGIS-Documentation#howto-for-language-maintainers
> BTW: all the grass algorithms have already a documentation, so we don't need
> to improve this part. The qgis and otb algorithms are already quite good
> explained in the manual, so you can just copy the description and fill the
> fields of the rst file.
> PROBLEM: how can we avoid that two or more people works on the same file?
> The idea is that everyone choose a category of a sextante provider (example,
> Saga -> Shapes -> Points) and write an email to the others.
> Feel free to make any suggestion and questions.
> One more thing. Especially for Saga, Victor needs help for proving the
> validity of the algorithms. If you have time, this is the way to do these
> "unit test".
> - open the python console in qgis (under the plugin menu)
> - write import processing
> - and processing.loadTestData()
> - these 2 commands will load the sample dataset of sextante; unit tests have
> to be done only on these layers
> - run the algorithm, but you have to save the file as a REAL FILE (not a
> temporary one)
> - be sure that the algorithm runs correctly
> - go on processing menu and open the history and log window
> - under algorithm choose the algorithm you ran (watch the time)
> - right click and open the unit test dialog
> - copy and paste the entire code in a text file (you can paste different
> unit test in the same text file)
> - send the file to Victor (or to me)
> Thank you guys!
> Cheers,
> Matteo
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