[Qgis-community-team] translation of the website

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon Sep 23 04:55:53 PDT 2013

On 23-09-13 09:15, matteo wrote:
> HI all,
> can we officially start the translation of the website (en -> it) on
> transifex? I mean, are there any translated pages of the old website
> that have not been uploaded yet?
> If you can give me a feedback I can inform the other italian translators.

Hi Matteo,

give me some time to generate new source files for transifex (= running 
sphinx-intl update) and upload them to Transifex.

Will write an announcement about this on the translations and community 

Note that new translations will not be visible in the website untill the 
new build of the QGIS-Website (which is currently done by hand and on 
the todo-list for being done once a day automatically)



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