[Qgis-community-team] sphinx.po is missing after make createlang

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Sun Apr 13 12:29:17 PDT 2014

Hi Alexander,

with me this just worked, did you have a full checkout of the source
tree? There is a
in github?

Anyway. I just did the createlang step (which only creates some

Then I updated the transifex config (.tx/config) by running the
scripts/create_transifex_resources.sh script (which updates the config
file by now adding the uk resources).

To generate new source (english) pot/po files, I would run 'make
transifex_push' which would then be pushed to transifex.
Then Transifex would create new po files for all registred languages,
which I would get with:
tx pull --skip -f -l uk

About the two resources which are still in transifex, but apparently not
anymore in our website: you are right. These should be removed
(I did now....). While updating the tx config adds new files, it does
not remove resources that are removed by us from the webiste.
Thanks for noting :-)

Anyway, as soon as you translated the sphinx.po (either by downloading
from tx, or by taking it from github), we can add uk to the language
dropdown and the build script.

By the way, we need to do some other cleanup to, as both QGIS
application and QGIS documentation already moved to the simpler two
character languges codes for languges for which that is possible (like:
ca for Catalan instead of ca_ES, and dk instead of dk_DK, but we need to
copy all resources then first).

Anyway, hope this is clear enough. You can go and do further translation
now. Just ask (IRC?) if you have more questions.


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 04/13/2014 04:02 PM, Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Hi all,
> when I tried to generate .po files from website sources I found that sphinx.po
> file not created. Is this bug or I'm doing something wrong? I created virtualenv
> as described in README.md, then activated it and run next commands:
> make createlang LANG=uk
> which failed with errors:
> mkdir -p resources/uk
> cp resources/en/README resources/uk
> cp: cannot stat 'resources/en/README': No such file or directory
> make: *** [createlang] Error 1
> And then I run
> make pretranslate LANG=uk
> This created all .po files except sphinx.po. How I can get sphinx.po file?
> I know, that we agreed that Transifex is main translation platform and we should
> use it, not Git and local translation. I just want to understand how
> it works in details.
> Also I found that there are at least two resources in Transifex, that
> not available
> in Git:
>  - site_about_press
>  - site_about_plugins
> There are no corresponding .rts files. Is this correct?
> Thanks

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