[Qgis-community-team] wcs.qgis.org ??

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Fri Jun 6 04:57:18 PDT 2014


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Richard Duivenvoorde <richard at duif.net>

> Hi All,
> we have moved website, downloads and documentations sites to a new disk
> on the server, mounted on /var/www/qgisdata
> The idea is to maybe in short future create a fresh VM, put Redmine etc
> on it again and then mount that disk back.
> BUT now I found also a link to wcs.qgis.org (linking to what seems a
> qgis1.9 server??).
> Question: is this used by somebody?
> If so: it best if we move that to /var/www/qgisdata too
> Anybody knows something about this, or using/feeling responsible for that?
We were using it for testing WCS client but I think we stopped using it.
Radmin will be able to say more certainly what the state is.



> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde

Tim Sutton

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