[Qgis-community-team] wanted: OSX testers (paver build of docs and website)

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Fri Jun 13 07:36:00 PDT 2014

Hi all,

I've updated and the paver scripts for generating both the documentation
and website.

Paver is a make-like tool in python, so should be platform independent.

I tested it on linux and windows myself.

Others are invited to test this building too (so we have more eyeballs
on it).

I was NOT able to test on OSX, so if (preferably somebody with some
paver experience) can test the pavement.py on OSX that would be great.
As I'm not able to retest it myself, I hope that this person is able to
fix the scripts him/herself and commit it back to us.

Thanks in advance and regards,

Richard Duivenvoorde

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