[Qgis-community-team] Korean team will publish PyQGIS COOKBOOK as paper book

BJ Jang qgis.tr.kr at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 01:22:14 PST 2015

Hi all.

This is BJ Jang of OSGeo Korean Chapter.
We (QGIS Document Korean team) finished translate PyQGIS COOKBOOK on
And we will publish this as paper book on this December.
We will make about 100 copies and deploy it freely.

But we have some problem, who is Author? what is copyright?
If you are author or know who is author, please let me know.
I will fix author and copyright information and send some books to them.

Currently, in our copy, author is 'QGIS Project', and copyright is
'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 licence (CC BY-SA)'.

Author please contact to me. I will wait with happy.
And we give appreciation to you.

With best
BJ Jang



Open Source GIS Technical Manager / e-Cartographer
BJ Jang

*Gaia3D Inc,*
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