[Qgis-community-team] 2.8 manual updates.

Larissa Junek junek at gbd-consult.de
Thu Feb 12 05:54:38 PST 2015

Hello Ramons and others,
I completed the Manual Task list and start to integrate new
information right now.
For this reason I would like at this point to motivate people to
contribute to the new user manual!
My suggestion is to organize the work with the Manual Task list.

Kind regards,

Am Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:01:06 +0800
schrieb Ramon Andiñach <custard at westnet.com.au>:

> Since QGIS has arrived at feature freeze again, and I had a bit of
> time, I've taken the liberty of updating
> hub.qgis.org/wiki/quantum-gis/ManualTasks with the feature updates
> that git log knows about. 
> It's mostly composer again, but there are a coupe of things that
> could turn up in dialogues anywhere; and I have no idea what section
> to put them in. 
> I've also included all of Nyall's lovely long commit notes as they
> say what the feature is *and* does, so then we don't have to go back
> to the git log for pointers. 
> I've taken a guess where the visual log will be. 
> Hope this helps. 
> -ramon.
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