[Qgis-community-team] FW: Proposed questions for QGIS Certification questionnaire
Jonathan Moules
J.Moules at hrwallingford.com
Mon Feb 23 05:07:51 PST 2015
Hi List,
Following Tim’s suggestion see below. Feedback welcome.
I’ll seek to turn it into a online thing on Wednesday.
From: Tim Sutton [mailto:tim at kartoza.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 9:50 PM
To: Jonathan Moules
Cc: QGIS Developer Mailing List
Subject: Re: Proposed questions for QGIS Certification questionnaire
Hi Jonathan
PS might be nicer to discuss / cross post this to the QGIS community list - I have been trying to marshall QGIS certification discussions there and a number of edut folks are subscribed to it I think.
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 7:20 PM, Jonathan Moules <J.Moules at hrwallingford.com<mailto:J.Moules at hrwallingford.com>> wrote:
Hi Tim (and all),
Per the IRC meeting, I've come up with a possible questionnaire that we can spam. Currently it's all text, but it can be converted easily enough. What platform should we stick it on for the question/answers? I can do a free surveymonkey unless someone has something better to suggest.
Suggestions as to questions/answers welcome from all. It is a first draft.
The QGIS development community is interested in creating a set of QGIS Certifications. We're interested in feedback from the entire community as to what you'd like/use.
The following is a set of prospective certificates; open to change.
QGIS User - Can operate QGIS to a functional level.
QGIS Professional - An expert user.
QGIS Developer - (Core or Plugins?)
QGIS Trainer - Can train for and test for certifications.
As a GIS professional, would you be interested in getting a QGIS Certification?
[Yes / No]
If No, why not?
[Open question]
As a GIS Employer, would you be more interested in candidates who have a QGIS Certification?
[Yes / No / Not an Employer]
If No, why not?
[Open question]
Rank these in the order you think they're important in a QGIS Certification?
Knowledge of GIS Concepts
Familiarity with QGIS
Time using QGIS
Exposure to different areas of QGIS
Community participation
Other [Open answer]
Which of these would interest you:
[Choices for each: Not at all, Mildly, Definitely]
QGIS User - Can operate QGIS to a functional level.
QGIS Professional - An expert user.
QGIS Developer - (Core or Plugins?)
QGIS Trainer - Can train for and test for certifications.
Do you agree/disagree with the proposed certificates? If you disagree, what certificates would you suggest?
[Open question]
What do you think would be a good way of measuring suitability for a certificate:
Community participation track record
Portfolio of work
Professional experience
Academic qualifications
Any comments or feedback?
[Open question]
So I think this sounds fine. I noted Trevor's comments below, but I think it will be fine to go ahead with these Questions and see what kind of feedback we get.
Thanks for working on this!
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Tim Sutton
Visit http://kartoza.com<http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:
* Desktop GIS programming services
* Geospatial web development
* GIS Training
* Consulting Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net<http://freenode.net/>
Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
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