[Qgis-community-team] 2.8 manual updates.

Ramon Andiñach custard at westnet.com.au
Sun Jan 25 16:01:06 PST 2015

Since QGIS has arrived at feature freeze again, and I had a bit of time, I've taken the liberty of updating hub.qgis.org/wiki/quantum-gis/ManualTasks with the feature updates that git log knows about. 

It's mostly composer again, but there are a coupe of things that could turn up in dialogues anywhere; and I have no idea what section to put them in. 

I've also included all of Nyall's lovely long commit notes as they say what the feature is *and* does, so then we don't have to go back to the git log for pointers. 

I've taken a guess where the visual log will be. 

Hope this helps. 


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