[Qgis-community-team] Books section on our website

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Oct 13 01:42:48 PDT 2015


Hi website team, 

I have been in contact with the company PacktPub - a company
specializing in IT and in particular OpenSource IT books. They publish
several books on QGIS. The nice thing is that they return some of the
revenues back to the Open Source projects. We just received a payment
over EUR 140 from Anitas book. They will add the other books to our
royalty scheme. 

We also just recently added an entry in their Open Source section:

I noticed that we don't have a book section yet on our website. Given
that there are more and more books on QGIS, it would be nice to have
such a section. It would be a win-win situation - for PacktPub and for
us. And of course it wouldn't have to be limited to books from PacktPub
but can reference any books. 

The PacktPub manager would offer us additional discount codes or group
discounts for ebooks if one wants to buy all QGIS ebooks at once - if we
integrate this in our web page. Please note - the more books there are
sold - the more we also get back from the royalty scheme program. 



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