[Qgis-community-team] Doc writing: simpler writing and styling
delazj at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 02:31:07 PST 2016
with the removal of :guilabel: and :menuselection: which clearly will
easier doc writing, i'm afraid that user might be confused while reading
doc. Indeed, the GUI labels are now rendered as simple text, same font.
When reading, you may now not know which part of the text is GUI option and
what is description, explanation. Since the GUI labels are still put
between _`_ characters, shouldn't we give it a special font, font size,
2016-01-20 11:32 GMT+01:00 DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> +1 for using GitHub issue report. Note that there's a pending PR (
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Website/pull/308) that supports this idea.
> 2016-01-18 13:53 GMT+01:00 Alexandre Neto <senhor.neto at gmail.com>:
>> Richard Duivenvoorde <richard at duif.net> escreveu no dia domingo,
>> 17/01/2016 às 19:04:
>>> - is is still usefull to have the 'Operating System' icons around (that
>>> is the little Mac, Linux and Windows icons) for screenies OR when the
>>> instructions differ...
>> Screenshots are all (or almost) in linux anyway, so for that they are not
>> needed at all.
>>> - we/I have still test what happens with the translations of sentences
>>> which we remove directives and substitutions from (I hope the old
>>> translations will be available in the glossary....)
>> I think this process will, for sure, cause many untranslated strings to
>> translate again... For this, I think a warning in QGIS-tr list would be
>> advisable, because there are some language teams that made a huge effort to
>> reach this percentage of translation. But this will also make translation
>> easier with the removing of all the :guilabel: :menuselection.
>>> If nobody objects, I'll start (in one commit) to do this page:
>>> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/blob/master_github_e/source/docs/user_manual/working_with_vector/vector_properties.rst
>> +1
>> Regarding managing the Documentation update I would also prefer using
>> github issues to manage the documentation update effort.
>> Reviewing all "automatic new features", close them if it does not imply
>> any changes to the documentation, or label it if it does, would be my first
>> step.
>> If possible I would advice using labels to identify what needs to be
>> updated (text, screenshots) and where (Users manual, python cookbok,...)
>> for each issue.
>> Thanks
>> Alexandre Neto
>> --
>> Alexandre Neto
>> ---------------------
>> @AlexNetoGeo
>> http://sigsemgrilhetaswordpress.com
>> http://gisunchained.wordpress.com
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