[Qgis-community-team] New QGIS Documentation Subscriber

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue May 31 23:53:43 PDT 2016

On 31-05-16 22:33, Angie Garcia wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I have recently subscribed and would like to participate with updating
> User Guide and assist in suggestions to aid in the documentation work
> flow.  In going through all online/materials, it mentioned that one
> should contact team lead in specific area of interest to get some
> assistance in the process.  I have cc Otto as he was the person I sent
> email to, however, have not heard from him and thought you might be able
> to help me or point me in the right direction to move forward.
> Is there a new welcoming documentation packet which helps one get setup,
> have a mailing list of individuals to contact, talks a little about the
> various emails and limitations, etc...

Hi Angie,

For what I know this:


are the guidelines. In the README at:


is more information about how to actually BUILD the docs.

Note that it is actually not persee nessecary to build it yourself. If
you follow the 'fix me' link in the footer of the pages on current
'testing' (==2.14 to be) version:


you can write/fix smaller parts of the docs in Github.

I added Harrisou and Yves in cc, they have been mostly active I think
recently, and maybe can give you a hand too.
I will also sent this email to the community list where most document
writers hang out.


all issues labeld QGIS 2.14
should be taken up in short notice.
Not sure if you are native speaker, but we also look for native speakers
to have a look at texts of others before pulling into the docs.

Pick an issue, try something, ask... just DO it ;-)


Richard Duivenvoorde

ps reaching me in private is best done via richard at qgis.org... Using the
rdmailings you end up in the big pile of mailinglists I have :-)
BUT I prefer communicating through mailing lists as more people learn
from this.

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