[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Case Study: The Historical Gazetteer of the Crimea (HGC) Project
Mark Polczynski
mhp.techforge at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 11:50:28 PST 2017
Greetings QGIS Community Team. A QGIS pop-up tip said to send QGIS case
studies to this e-mail. The following is my case study...
The Historical Gazetteer of the Crimea (HGC) project (http://epublications.
marquette.edu/ottoman_crimea/) produced a gazetteer database that includes
populated places, districts, and provinces of Crimea in existence at the
end of the Crimean Khanate. The primary source of data was Henryk
Jankowski’s *Historical-Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Russian Habitation
Names of the Crimea*. Of the 137 populated places shown on Jankowski’s
map, 99 have been associated with existing places. These are the populated
place entries in the HGC. The gazetteer also includes locations for six
provinces and 43 districts. The gazetteer was generated as a QGIS project
with geolocation of places being done by associating Jankowski’s places
with currently-existing places contained in the GeoNames database (
Mark Polczynski
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