[Qgis-community-team] QGIS Case Study: The Historical Gazetteer of the Crimea (HGC) Project

Otto Dassau dassau at gbd-consult.de
Wed Dec 6 03:59:04 PST 2017

Hi Mark,

as Tim already wrote
https://www.qgis.org/en/site/about/case_studies/index.html provides some
information about "what you need to provide" for a case study:


The stories should follow a simple structure and we suggest to write about
800 words including one or two screenshots.


Short Introduction with background of the company / institute / authority /
university (length about 200 words). Story about your project/application
and what QGIS is used for (length about 400 words plus screenshots)
Conclusion showing positive experiences/benefits using QGIS (length about
200 words)

And of course there are many sample case studies you can use to get

When it's done, just send me the document and pictures and I can add them to
the qgis.org.

Best whishes

Am Wed, 6 Dec 2017 12:34:43 +0200
schrieb Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com>:

> Hi Mark
> It will be really great to include your case study on our web site.
> Perhaps you could have a look at
> https://www.qgis.org/en/site/about/case_studies/index.html and get some
> inspiration in terms of providing a little more detail and some images etc.
> Otto are you still able to help with walking Mark through the process of
> getting his case study included?
> Regards
> Tim
> > On 05 Dec 2017, at 21:50, Mark Polczynski <mhp.techforge at gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Greetings QGIS Community Team.  A  QGIS pop-up tip said to send QGIS
> > case studies to this e-mail.  The following is my case study...
> > 
> > The Historical Gazetteer of the Crimea (HGC) project
> > (http://epublications.marquette.edu/ottoman_crimea/
> > <http://epublications.marquette.edu/ottoman_crimea/>) produced a
> > gazetteer database that includes populated places, districts, and
> > provinces of Crimea in existence at the end of the Crimean Khanate. The
> > primary source of data was Henryk Jankowski’s Historical-Etymological
> > Dictionary of Pre-Russian Habitation Names of the Crimea.  Of the 137
> > populated places shown on Jankowski’s map, 99 have been associated with
> > existing places.  These are the populated place entries in the HGC.  The
> > gazetteer also includes locations for six provinces and 43 districts.
> > The gazetteer was generated as a QGIS project with geolocation of places
> > being done by associating Jankowski’s places with currently-existing
> > places contained in the GeoNames database (http://www.geonames.org
> > <http://www.geonames.org/>).
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Mark Polczynski
> > _______________________________________________
> > Qgis-community-team mailing list for organizing community resources such
> > as documentation, translation etc.. Qgis-community-team at lists.osgeo.org
> > https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-community-team  
> Tim Sutton
> Co-founder: Kartoza
> Project chair: QGIS.org
> Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open
> source:
> Desktop GIS programming services
> Geospatial web development
> GIS Training
> Consulting Services
> Skype: timlinux 
> IRC: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

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