[Qgis-community-team] program crushed often

Klas Karlsson klaskarlsson at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 8 02:34:14 PDT 2018

Hi boaz

The most recent "long term release" is version 2.18.18 (https://qgis.org/en/site/) so you probably should update your version as soon as you can. 2.14.2 is a pretty old version now.

If you still have a problem after updating, try to figure out exactly what you did just before it crashed. If you can repeat the crash with the same circumstances, it's probably a bug and should be reported.

How you report a bug can also be found on the QGIS web page.


Klas Karlsson

Den 2018-04-08 kl. 09:33, skrev Boaz Bar Ilan:

I use  qgis 2.14.2  on win 10

very often the program crash

 is there a solution  ? or more stable version ?



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