[Qgis-community-team] Qgis 3.10 Auto update fields

qgis at berndvogelgesang.de qgis at berndvogelgesang.de
Sun May 10 23:33:14 PDT 2020

Hi Pietro,

On 11.05.20 01:33, Pietro wrote:
> Dear sirs I am sorry to bother you I am new to qgis and maybe my 
> question has already been answered but I cannot find that answer:
> I am interested in a way to auto update some attribute table field as 
> this plugin was doing: https://github.com/gacarrillor/AutoFields
> It appears that the functionality has been added to Qgis 3 but I am not 
> able to use it because I cannot find it/how to do it.. :)
> Can someone point me in the right direction?
> Thank you very much
> Pietro

Indeed, it needs some luck to find it.
Open your layer properties -> Attributes Form -> click on the field you 
want to habv automatic update in the left part of the window.
In the right part of the window, the properties of your attribute field 
show up.
At the very end, there is the section "Default".
Here you can enter any forumla for calculating a default value on 
feature creation.
When marking the checkbox "Apply default value on updates", the formula 
is recalculated instantly as with the plugin.

Hope that helps,

p.s. this is the wrong list. the correct one is qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org

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