[Qgis-community-team] Automatic creation of issue reports in doc repo for new features
Etienne Trimaille
etienne.trimaille at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 22:16:48 PDT 2021
Thanks for the reminder.
I'm just adding some notes as well on PR descriptions.
https://changelog.qgis.org/ and
https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/visualchangelogs.html are created by
"harvesting" the list of PR on GitHub. So the description is important.
For information, it want your feature/bugfix populated with the funder name
and/or URL, you can specify them in the PR description with one of these
Funded by NAME
Funded by HTTPS://URL.COM
A regex will try to extract these 2 informations.
The first image found in the PR description will also be used as a proper
These notes should be added in the contributing.md file.
Le sam. 20 mars 2021 à 15:48, Harrissou <delazj at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi devs,
> This is a gentle reminder to add the "needs documentation" label to the
> new features you are developing or reviewing so that the corresponding
> ticket is opened in docs repo. This is the only and single way to
> automatically create the reports.
> The old way to add [feature] or [needs docs] to the commits does NOT
> create a report anymore (abandoned by github - and us - last autumn). It's
> however useful for writers to identify the new feature(s) among many
> changes in a pull request (but of course, only if the label is correctly
> added to the pull request).
> So please, whenever you add "feature" or "changelog" labels to a pull
> request, consider whether adding the "needs documentation" label is also
> appropriate. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Harrissou
> --
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