[Qgis-community-team] Registration of ownership
Enrique Arias Antúnez
Enrique.Arias at uclm.es
Thu Apr 4 06:59:55 PDT 2024
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Enrique Arias and I am a full professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain.
In the context of a research project we are developing, from the university, an application that makes use of some QGIS tools.
More specifically, we provide a QGIS server with inputs and QGIS returns an output that we use in our application.
It is not clear to us that, under the GPL, we cannot register ownership of our application since at no point do we add, remove or modify the QGIS source code.
Nor is QGIS packaged, i.e. not embedded, in the application code. We simply make use of it through an http call to a server.
We would like to know if the GPL licence allows this and if not, where it is indicated that it is not allowed. We have already consulted the university services and they have not been able to give us an answer.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
[Logotipo UCLM]<https://www.uclm.es/>
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Enrique Arias Antúnez
Coordinador de Movilidad / Mobility Coordinator
Catedrático de Universidad / Full Professor
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática (ESII)
Campus Univ. s/n, 02071 - Albacete
Tfno: 967 599 200<tel:+34:967599200> | Ext: 2497<tel:+34:2497> | Enrique.Arias at uclm.es<mailto:Enrique.Arias at uclm.es>
Página personal<https://www.dsi.uclm.es/personal/EnriqueArias/> | Mensaje Instantáneo | Sistemas Concurrentes y Tiempo Real / Real Time and Concurrent Systems<http://www.i3a.uclm.es/retics/>
[El Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la UCLM posee el sello de calidad EURO-INF]<https://www.eqanie.eu/>
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