[Qgis-developer] Key accelerators vs. key shortcuts.

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Sun Apr 9 13:08:38 EDT 2006

On Sun, 9 Apr 2006 18:16:31 +0200
Lubos Balazovic <lubos.balazovic at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 4/9/06, Maciek Sieczka <werchowyna at epf.pl> wrote:
> > This won't be handy IMHO. Zoom in/out and Pan shortcuts are really
> > usefull ONLY during digitizing. 
> Only? I don't think so. Many people use QGIS like a map viewer - for
> browsing through maps where Zoom In/Out is also useful.

Well this doesn't prove my idea is wrong - key shorcuts as suggested by
me will do for browsing maps same good as for digitizing.

I'm suggesting an ergonomic, IMO, key shortcuts set. 

> is probably more intuitive "+" or (Ctrl+"+") and "-" (or Ctrl+"-").
> These shortcuts are most common in applications with Zoom In/Out
> tool. (ctrl+"+/-" is used in Acrobat Reader, kpdf, kghostview,
> gwenview,..."+/-" is used in many image viewers like kuickshow,
> irfanview...etc.).

All those are for browsing 1 page (say photos) or one dimensional
(documents) data sets. Spatial data is 2d at least and requires special
treatment of course. This is to provide smooth navigation and zoom/pan


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