[Qgis-developer] crash loading project
Paolo Cavallini
cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Dec 18 10:27:14 EST 2006
Hash: SHA1
Hi all.
While loading a project, the last qgis (package from debian.gfoss.it)
Debug: qgsproject.cpp:1065 5 properties read
Debug: current properties:
Debug: name: properties
Debug: key: <SpatialRefSys> subkey: <SpatialRefSys>
Debug: name: SpatialRefSys
Debug: key: <ProjectSRSProj4String> value:
+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.999600 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=0
+ellps=intl +units=m +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68
Debug: key: <ProjectionsEnabled> value: 0
Debug: key: <ProjectSRSID> value: 100000
Debug: key: <Compositions> subkey: <Compositions>
Debug: name: Compositions
Debug: key: <composition_1> subkey: <composition_1>
Debug: name: composition_1
Debug: key: <width> value: 297
Debug: key: <height> value: 420
Debug: key: <map_1> subkey: <map_1>
Debug: name: map_1
Debug: key: <width>
value: 290
Debug: key: <west>
value: 1642464.22358776
Debug: key: <fontscale>
value: 1
Debug: key: <x> value: 3
Debug: key: <y> value: 3
Debug: key: <calculate>
value: scale
Debug: key: <scale>
value: 10446.6798556688
Debug: key: <height>
value: 414
Debug: key: <south>
value: 4821062.78963389
Debug: key: <frame>
value: true
Debug: key:
<widthscale> value: 1
Debug: key:
<symbolscale> value: 0.5
Debug: key:
<previewmode> value: 0
Debug: key: <east>
value: 1645493.7607459
Debug: key: <north>
value: 4823882.24939786
Debug: key: <orientation> value: portrait
Debug: key: <resolution> value: 300
Debug: key: <Gui> subkey: <Gui>
Debug: name: Gui
Debug: key: <SelectionColorBluePart> value: 0
Debug: key: <SelectionColorGreenPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <SelectionColorRedPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <CanvasColorBluePart> value: 255
Debug: key: <CanvasColorRedPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <CanvasColorGreenPart> value: 255
Debug: key: <PositionPrecision> subkey: <PositionPrecision>
Debug: name: PositionPrecision
Debug: key: <DecimalPlaces> value: 2
Debug: key: <Automatic> value: true
Debug: key: <Digitizing> subkey: <Digitizing>
Debug: name: Digitizing
Debug: key: <Tolerance> value: 10
Debug: key: <LineWidth> value: 1
Debug: key: <LineColorGreenPart> value: 0
Debug: key: <LineColorBluePart> value: 0
Debug: key: <LineColorRedPart> value: 255
Debug: qgsproject.cpp : 680 unable to find title element
Warning: QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord failed : select * from tbl_srs
where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.999600 +x_0=1500000
+ellps=intl +units=m +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68'
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x810456a
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x81b243a
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x858a442
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested
(6840,5093) of size 441x1067 on raster of 7280x6160.
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x882164a
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested
(6840,5093) of size 441x1067 on raster of 7280x6160.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested
(120,5213) of size 7201x907 on raster of 7320x6120.
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x8cb3b7a
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested
(6840,5093) of size 441x1067 on raster of 7280x6160.
ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested
(120,5213) of size 7201x907 on raster of 7320x6120.
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x8472a7a
Debug: qgslabel.cpp:607 QgsLabel::readXML() got node labelattributes
Warning: QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord failed : select * from tbl_srs
where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.999600 +x_0=1500000
+y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68
+units=m +no_defs'
Warning: QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord failed : select * from tbl_srs
where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.999600 +x_0=1500000
+y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68
+units=m +no_defs'
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x8ffb85a
Debug: qgslabel.cpp:607 QgsLabel::readXML() got node labelattributes
Warning: QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord failed : select * from tbl_srs
where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.999600 +x_0=1500000
+y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68
+units=m +no_defs'
Warning: QgsSpatialRefSys::getRecord failed : select * from tbl_srs
where parameters='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.999600 +x_0=1500000
+y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68
+units=m +no_defs'
qgsrasterlayer.cpp:4605 Setting gray band to : 0x9002aba
Segmentation fault
- --
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: cavallini at faunalia.it
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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