[Qgis-developer] autogen.sh (automake) fails

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 07:48:55 EDT 2006


I cannot configure qgis using autogen.sh because
  automake --add-missing --foreign --copy
exists with error code and these messages:

pkginclude_HEADERS: variable `qgisHEADERS' is used but `qgisHEADERS'
is undefined
am__append_3: variable `libqgisHEADERS' is used but `libqgisHEADERS'
is undefined
SUBDIRS: variable `COMMUNITY' is used but `COMMUNITY' is undefined

anybody is aware why qgisHEADERS,  libqgisHEADERS, COMMUNITY is not defined
and if it is used at all?


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