[Qgis-developer] rendering current line in Grass digitizer is very slow

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Thu Jul 13 16:17:02 EDT 2006

Radim Blazek napisał(a):
> On 7/13/06, Maciej Sieczka <tutey at o2.pl> wrote:
>> Radim Blazek napisał(a):
>> > GRASS edit in 0.8 is using QgsRubberBand (XOR rendering
>> > does not work anymore IIRC) and it is probably slow because
>> > it is not designed for complex graphics.
>> > I dont know if it can be improved.
>> Digitizing Grass vectors is too slow for production in 0.8. I'll have to
>> get back to 0.74, in spite of it's own bugs.
> Can you be more specific what is slow? Drawing the map,
> editing a line, ...?

Rendering *everything* gets slower and slower as you put new vertices
when digitizing line or boundary. For that you can't zoom/pan
efficiently. I have described how to reproduce the problem in my initial
email in this thread.


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