[Qgis-developer] qgis: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/qgis/libqgis_plugin_cock.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8MyThreadC1EP7QObject

nitin quick quick.nitin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 02:53:48 EDT 2006

hello developers,
I am currently coding a plugin called cock. In it i am trying to display
points on canvas which is read from a fifo. Reading from fifo i handled by
Mythread which inherits QThread. MyThread is a member of my logic class.
Everything went well during compilation and installation.
but i have no idea about his error.
[root at localhost qgis]# qgis
Warning: fileVectorFilters, unknown driver: ODBC
Warning: fileVectorFilters, unknown driver: PGeo
qgis: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/qgis/libqgis_plugin_cock.so: undefined
symbol: _ZN8MyThreadC1EP7QObject

any help is welcome
nitin quick
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