[Qgis-developer] Re: Display raster fails

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at autoform.ch
Fri Mar 24 05:52:02 EST 2006

Hi Radim,

This fails because of a recent change (i think of morb_au).
To fix it right now, go to 
QgisApp::activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions near the bottom and add a 
test for null pointer of the raster provider.


Radim Blazek wrote:

>Fresh SVN version crashes if a raster is opened.
>Last debug:
>QgsMapCanvas::render: canvas is frozen
>panning: extent to widget: [12,0] [42x36]
>QgsMapCanvasItem::updatePosition: <AUTO> [11,0]-[268x245]
>/ssi0/ssi/blazek/bin/myqgis-head: line 6:  8774 Segmentation fault    
> (core dumped)
>Back trace:
>#0  QgisApp::activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions (this=0x5c37c0,
>layer=Variable "layer" is not available.
>    at qgisapp.cpp:4961
>#1  0x0000002a9569e4b1 in QgsLegend::handleCurrentItemChanged (
>    this=0x6a9590, current=Variable "current" is not available.
>) at qgslegend.cpp:95
>#2  0x0000002a956aeeee in QgsLegend::qt_metacall (this=0x6a9590,
>    _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=-5, _a=0x7fbfffc4a0)
>    at qgslegend.moc.cpp:112
>#3  0x0000002a984f65e2 in QMetaObject::activate ()

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