[Qgis-developer] General questions & multiple map canvases

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Mon May 15 09:07:44 EDT 2006

On 5/9/06, humarco <marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> > Hi,
> >
> > I see one more possible direction which is the mix of the two you mention:
> >
> > 3. different views to the same project, but canvas can have different
> > layer set, symbology, CRS and legend.
> So in the project file, there would be something like a <view> tag?

First sorry for being inactive those N days without my reply to the mails....

Yes, something like this, e.g.:
  <layerset> ... list of layers ... </layerset>
  <canvas>  ... canvas properties ... </canvas>
  <legend> ... legend properties ... </legend>

> > > > Each canvas should have its own legend instance. We should swap out th
> > > > elegend control with which ever canvase is currently in focus.
> One legend per canvas is reasonable. Serialising and swapping legend settings
> would be to much overhead.
> For third party apps, a legend interface would be good (as suggested by larsl
> on IRC).

The question is if such legend interface will be used then how should
it look like - what functionality will be mandatory, which optional...

Essential question is how to interact between map canvas and legend -
i.e. whether every map canvas must have its legend (even if legend
isn't a widget, just a class derived from the legend iface) or map
canvas will work without interfacing the legend.


> Marco

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