[Qgis-developer] Vector point symbols drawn as pixmap

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Tue May 16 12:19:20 EDT 2006

On 5/16/06, Tim Sutton <tim at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On 5/16/06, Radim Blazek <radim.blazek at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I found that QgsVectorLayer::drawFeature is now
> > using drawPixmap() instead of drawPicture() so that the
> > vector icons are drawn as raster and the output printed to postscript
> > is useless.
> What is the actual issue with rendering as pixmap instead of picture?

PS/PDF/SVG  are vector formats, they can be printed with any resolution
or displayed on screen on any zoom level. Obviously, each vector symbol
converted to raster will be displayed rasterized with insufficient resolution
which means in bad quality and the file can become very big.
I need to print maps on plotter in high quality tomorrow, do I need to use 0.7?
Create new project with all layers and symbology in 0.7?


> --
> Tim Sutton
> Visit http://qgis.org for a great Open Source GIS
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