[Qgis-developer] re: QGIS debug version on windows

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 15:03:39 EST 2006

Hi Freddy,

I've downloaded qt 4.2.1 and installed it. It doesn't contain debug
version of Qt libraries. So I had to run:
(qt_path)\bin\qtvars.bat compile_debug
to compile debug versions of qt libs as they're necessary for debug
version of QGIS.
When compiling QGIS application as release version, everything is fine
(both libraries mingw32 and qtmain are used. But when compiling debug
version linking fails because these libraries (because of some reason)
are not included.

I hope this describes my situation with enough details.


On 11/27/06, godofredo contreras <frdcn at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin:
> I have been working with the old version of msys and I havenĀ“t had that
> problem, could you give us more details about the problem?. I will download
> the new msys and try to replicate your problem. Also it will be useful to
> know what version of qt you are using and  if you built qt for debug.
> Regards
> Freddy
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