[Qgis-developer] call for translations

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch
Wed Nov 29 02:59:39 EST 2006

Dear qgis users and developers,

The QGIS sourcecode moves slowly but steadily to 0.8 release state. This is a 
good time to update the translations for qgis dialogs such that many qgis 
users may enjoy their favourite gis program in their native language.

If you already did a translation or feel to become the maintainer of a 
particular language, enter your name at 
http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/TranslatorsCorner. Or send me a mail and I will 
enter your name. This is important to avoid duplicated work if several 
persons work on the same language.

To do translation work, you don't need to be a programmer or care about the 
translation mechanism of qt (of course you can do this if you like). The 
simpelst case is that you just download the Qt version for your platform and 
install it (http://www.trolltech.com/developer/downloads/qt/index). You need 
the tool called 'linguist'. I will send you a .ts file, you open it with 
linguist, fill in the translations, save it and send it back to me. I will 
then commit the file to svn.

The following output shows, which translation are pretty much finished and 
which not.


Updating 'i18n/qgis_cs_CZ.qm'...
    Generated 2068 translations (2053 finished and 15 unfinished)
    Ignored 182 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_de.qm'...
    Generated 2034 translations (1994 finished and 40 unfinished)
    Ignored 216 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_fr.qm'...
    Generated 1963 translations (1922 finished and 41 unfinished)
    Ignored 287 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_id.qm'...
    Generated 937 translations (639 finished and 298 unfinished)
    Ignored 1313 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_it.qm'...
    Generated 1188 translations (882 finished and 306 unfinished)
    Ignored 1062 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_ja.qm'...
    Generated 1399 translations (1124 finished and 275 unfinished)
    Ignored 851 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_lv.qm'...
    Generated 1426 translations (1149 finished and 277 unfinished)
    Ignored 824 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_nl.qm'...
    Generated 0 translations (0 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 2250 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_pl_PL.qm'...
    Generated 942 translations (582 finished and 360 unfinished)
    Ignored 1309 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_pt_BR.qm'...
    Generated 1343 translations (1082 finished and 261 unfinished)
    Ignored 908 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_ru.qm'...
    Generated 108 translations (45 finished and 63 unfinished)
    Ignored 2143 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_se.qm'...
    Generated 1004 translations (639 finished and 365 unfinished)
    Ignored 1247 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_sk.qm'...
    Generated 2013 translations (1935 finished and 78 unfinished)
    Ignored 238 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_sv.qm'...
    Generated 2182 translations (2172 finished and 10 unfinished)
    Ignored 69 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_vi.qm'...
    Generated 1343 translations (1124 finished and 219 unfinished)
    Ignored 908 untranslated source texts
Updating 'i18n/qgis_zh_CN.qm'...
    Generated 1780 translations (1693 finished and 87 unfinished)
    Ignored 471 untranslated source texts

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