[Qgis-developer] Cannot read Idrisi in QGIS - IdrisiRasterBand::GetNoDataValue () crash

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 13:16:01 EDT 2006

QGIS crashes when I try to open data in Idrisi format


#0  0xb6a39ef4 in IdrisiRasterBand::GetNoDataValue ()
   from /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1
#1  0xb7fd2592 in QgsRasterLayer::readFile (this=0x8233bd8, fileName=@0x1)
    at qgsrasterlayer.cpp:604
#2  0xb7fd9f97 in QgsRasterLayer (this=0x8233bd8, path=@0x81f7584,
    baseName=@0xbfffdab0) at qgsrasterlayer.cpp:467
#3  0xb7d18d6e in QgisApp::addRasterLayer (this=0x80e1188,

Probably we have to check first if the data source has no data value
defined before caling GDAL GetNoDataValue ()?


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