[Qgis-developer] Bug in Georeferencer Helmert 0.8.1

Sebastian Schmitz sebastian.schmitz at wheregroup.com
Wed Aug 1 04:11:10 EDT 2007


we seek (commercial) QGIS support for this considerably urgent issue (3 
week deadline) concerning georeferencing in QGIS (ie Helmert 
Transformation on Gauß-Krüger2 coordinates). Find below a thread from 
The bug is fixed in 0.9, but svn commits in georeferencer plugin do not 
reveal where that happened or who has done that. Tim Suttons explained
> .... but one thing is that the QGIS library itself has undergone many 
> changes between 0.8.1 and 0.9 and as such it may be difficult to pn 
> down exactly what changed in the underlying code base to resolve your 
> issue in 0.9
Is anybody able to offer the service of extracting the bug fix from 0.9 
and backporting it to a patch for 0.8.1? If so, please do swiftly.



Tim Sutton schrieb:
> Hi Sebastian
> At this stage we do not have the manpower to maintain both 0.8.1 and 
> 0.9 branches. Im hoping that we can get a sponsorship programme going 
> to support a few full time developers where we can put more focus on 
> enterprise users. At the moment however we need to get QGIS feature 
> complete first and then stabilise that and get a 1.0 release out. 1.0 
> will have long term stabilisation support with a stable api for 
> application integrators to programme against.
> For your particular issue it should be possible to get a patch made by 
> one of the folks offering commercial services around QGIS - we have  a 
> list on the QGIS home page of commercial support providers.
> Regards
> Tim
> Em 24/07/2007, às 08:57, Sebastian Schmitz escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> there seems to be a bug in the georeferencer plugin. In a project that 
>> uses EPSG:31466 (GaussKrüger2) running a Helmert transformation to 
>> georeference an image, I get a wrong result. This bug seems to have been 
>> fixed in 0.9. I need to run 0.8.1. Will there be a patch for 0.8.1?
>> Cheers
>> Sebastian
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> Tim Sutton
> QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release  Manager
> Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
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