[Qgis-developer] Treat warnings as errors

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Sun Feb 18 00:55:27 EST 2007

Hi all

I have added -Wall  -Werrors to svn cmake now. That means that if you
are getting any warnings during build process they will be treated as
errors and the compilation will halt. Kirk (a year or more ago) and
Gavin  and I (Kirk and Gavin the main part of the work) have removed
all warnings in the source code. I've also added logic to ignore
warnings as errors behaviour for generated sources from lex / swig
etc. This has been done on a file by file basis. There were three
directories with unfixed warnings:


There is a nasty message at teh start of the comile process added by
myself to remind that these dirs at some stage need to be cleared of
warnings too. Please post back to the list if you have difficulties
compiling. You can remove this behaviour temporarily by taking out
-Werror from the top level CMakeFile.txt


Tim Sutton

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