[Qgis-developer] Build version 0.8.1 with Visual C++ 2005 Express

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Jul 7 09:38:28 EDT 2007

David Willis <lists at dwillis.gotadsl.co.uk>:
> GDAL 1.4.1 from http://vterrain.org/Distrib/gdal.html
>         Also need to add the following include dirs to gdal_rasterize
> project:
>         ..\..\gcore;..\..\port;..\..\alg;..\..\ogr
> GEOS by svn from http://mateusz.loskot.net/projects/geos/
>         Also need to copy capi\geos_c.h.in to geos_c.h


Great work!
I'm going to try your solution soon.
I have a two comments:

1. There is VC++ solution and project file in GDAL repository:
makegdal80.sln/makegdal80.vcproj, so you can build GDAL from
VC++ directly but using original makefiles.


2. Some time ago, I uploaded my project files for GEOS to its
repository, and I keep it updated there. This solution/project
can be downloaded from this location:


Mateusz Loskot

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