[Qgis-developer] printing issues

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Sun Jul 29 17:25:13 EDT 2007

>>> Maciej wrote:
>> Maciej wrote:
> Paolo wrote:
Steven Bell wrote:

> Hi all, Thanks once again for your testing.


I'm just back from a short vacation on a rainy Baltic coast. It was
cool (indeed).

>>> However, either in "cache" or "render" mode in the *map 
>>> composer* line widths on the legend and on the map *do not 
>>> correspond*. On the legend it's always thicker.

> This is a known problem for cache mode, since the cache is created 
> at a variable resolution and then variably scaled.  In render mode, 
> the line widths appear to correspond.

You are correct. The reason why I thought that the line width on the
the lengend and on the map don't correspond in render mode for me
either, is that I have just found out that one has to turn on the
render mode *separately* for the legend and the map. I didn't know that
before. So my fault. However, IMO it's questionable if switching
between the render and cache mode should be print-composer-wise, or
sperate for the legend and the map as it is currently. What do you think?

> I'll try to look into it more when I get a chance (unfortunately, 
> that may be a few weeks).

No problem at all. I'm glad you might be interested in looking into it.

>> the border of polygons however it is not synchronized between 
>> legend and map

> I changed the line for the polygon outline to be a "cosmetic pen" 
> (1px wide, regardless of scale) when the line widths were getting 
> out of hand.  Since that should be fixed now, I can probably put the
>  original line widths back.

I think that it would be consistent this way. If one really wants 1px
wide border for his polygons on the printout, he can set the border
width to 0 in the project.

>>>> 2. labels placement and size in the map canvas not always 
>>>> corresponds to that in the map composer and printout

>>> Still valid. See the following attachments:
>>> labels_mapview.png labels_composer.png labels_pdf.png
>>> They show how the labelled points look in the QGIS map view, map
>>>  composer and in the output pdf, respectively. Each looks much 
>>> different. Could it be at least fixed so that the view in the 
>>> map composer and the resulting pdf looked similar?

> I haven't done much testing with vector labels, so I'm not too 
> surprised some bugs still lurk there.  If you could send me some 
> simple projects which reproduce the problem, that would be great 
> help.

Please find the points shapefile attached. It's from the free
"Spearfish" GRASS dataset (BTW, the new "Save as shapefile" worked
great for the original GRASS vector layer!). Display labels from field
'str1' and try to print.

I'm not sending you the project with labels set on, as it shows there's
a bug that once you set labels on, save the project and reload it, the
labels are not displayed anymore and I can't find a way to make them to
- besides starting the project from scratch again.

>>>> 3. vector point symbols get rasterized in the printout

>>> Still an issue. Is it fixable?

>> moreover, point size is much larger (1.4x? 2x?) in the legend than
>> in the map, and larger in the pdf.

> Unfortunately, I don't think we can fix this for 0.9.  It will 
> require some significant changes to the symbology and rendering, 
> which has the potential to break things.

Really too bad. This is quite an issue.

>>>> 4. irregular letter spacing in the printout

>>> Still the case. See the attachment spacing_pdf.png. Moreover, 
>>> layer's name is to close to categories' names below, overlapping
>>> it a bit.
>>> Also, in the composer *the very same legend* before printing to 
>>> pdf looks completely different (font_composer.png) and rather 
>>> corrupted. Can this avoided? What's strange, if I zoom in in the
>>> map composer once or twice, the legend's font starts looking 
>>> same as in target pdf, hmm. The same problem applies to 
>>> scalebar.

> The ugly font bug strikes again!  What operating system and Qt 
> version are you using?

Ubuntu Dapper, QT 4.3 built from source (qconfig.pri attached in case
it matters what features where compiled).

> I have exactly the same problem, and I don't think there's much we 
> can do.  (I'm running Ubuntu with Qt 4.2/4.3)

So a QT bug?

>>> Another, smallish, issue which remains is that the default font 
>>> size for legend "6" is always too small too be any readable. I 
>>> guess defaulting to at least 8 is a better idea.

>> agreed. also, default font (sans-serif?) does not appear optimal 
>> on many machines.

> I'm pretty sure Qt provides the default font, so we'd have to 
> manually override this.  I'll see if we can do this in a simple, 
> cross-platform way. The font size is calculated based off of the map
> scale, and often is less than 6.  Perhaps some code to limit the 
> default to a minimum of 8 would be helpful.
> I'm not going to have much time to work on QGIS in the next few 
> weeks, but I'll try to fix what I can for 0.9.

Understood. Many thanks for getting the print composer rolling again
and good luck.


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