[Qgis-developer] Raster Meeting Tomorrow - some UML

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Tue Jun 19 13:21:51 EDT 2007

Hi Peter

2007/6/19, Peter Ersts <ersts at amnh.org>:
> Tim,
> This is nice, very clear. Thanks for putting this together, but I think
> there also needs to be a "stretching" class. In the current flow of the
> UML, it would be step 3.5

Ah good point I completely forgot about that! Ill add it! Heres an
updated diagram:


By the way did we set a time for tomorrow? How about the same time we
hold the PSC meetings - 12h00 brazil, 11h00 for Pete, 4pm Barry, 5pm
Marco...(hope I got that all right?). Is anyone else interested in



> -pete
> Tim Sutton wrote:
> > Hi Folks (in particular those interested in raster refactoring)
> >
> > I put together this
> > http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=570038088&size=o diagram for
> > discussion at the meeting tomorrow. i will explain my ideas tomorrow,
> > but thought you may like to see before hand and possibly present
> > alternative scenarios.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> --
> ====================================
> Peter J. Ersts, Project Specialist
> American Museum of Natural History
> Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
> Central Park West at 79th Street
> New York, New York 10024
> Tel: (212)-496-3488 or (212)-769-5742
> Fax: (212)-313-7295 or (212)-769-5292
> Web: http://cbc.amnh.org
> Web: http://geospatial.amnh.org
> Open Source, Open Mind.
> ...evolving through community cooperation to change the world bit by bit

Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release  Manager
Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
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Home Page: http://tim.linfiniti.com
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