Edit toolbar / Re: [Qgis-developer] "Edit" Menu

Tom Elwertowski telwertowski at comcast.net
Sun May 20 01:58:05 EDT 2007

Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> Hi all,
> +1 for edit menu.
> For the editing toolbar, my impression is that it currently uses too much 
> space, considering that most people using qgis as a viewer and do not use the 
> toolbar. My plan is to hide the toolbar per default and the user needs to 
> make it visible in the 'view' menu (of course, the visibility of the editing 
> toolbar is stored in user preferences).

I am in favor. My preference is to have relatively few toolbars visible 
at any time but to have all or most commands available through the menu 
bar. It appears that the new edit menu will include many of the editing 
toolbar actions.

My suggestion is to change the View > Toolbars submenu to list all 
toolbars by name and act as a toggle for that toolbar. This would be the 
same as the popup menu on each toolbar. There is code in one of the Qt 
examples for this. Since we already remember the state of each toolbar, 
all that would be needed in addition to changing the View > Toolbars 
menu item is to disable the editing toolbar on initial startup when 
there is no stored toolbar state.


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